1   /*
2    * RDFpro - An extensible tool for building stream-oriented RDF processing libraries.
3    * 
4    * Written in 2014 by Francesco Corcoglioniti with support by Marco Amadori, Michele Mostarda,
5    * Alessio Palmero Aprosio and Marco Rospocher. Contact info on http://rdfpro.fbk.eu/
6    * 
7    * To the extent possible under law, the authors have dedicated all copyright and related and
8    * neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
9    * distributed without any warranty.
10   * 
11   * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
12   * If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
13   */
14  package eu.fbk.rdfpro;
16  import java.util.ArrayList;
17  import java.util.Arrays;
18  import java.util.HashSet;
19  import java.util.List;
20  import java.util.Objects;
21  import java.util.Set;
22  import java.util.function.Function;
23  import java.util.function.Predicate;
25  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
27  import org.openrdf.model.BNode;
28  import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
29  import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
30  import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
31  import org.openrdf.model.URI;
32  import org.openrdf.model.Value;
33  import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
34  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.SESAME;
35  import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema;
36  import org.openrdf.rio.RDFHandler;
37  import org.openrdf.rio.RDFHandlerException;
39  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Namespaces;
40  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Scripting;
41  import eu.fbk.rdfpro.util.Statements;
43  /**
44   * A generic {@code Statement -> Statement [0..*]} transformer.
45   * <p>
46   * A {@code Transformer} is a stateless function mapping an input {@code Statement} to zero or
47   * more output {@code Statement}s, via method {@link #transform(Statement, RDFHandler)}; for
48   * efficiency reasons, output statements are not returned as a list but are instead forwarded to a
49   * supplied {@link RDFHandler} (this avoids creation of intermediate array/lists objects, as well
50   * as the efficient mapping of a statement to a large number of output statements). While somehow
51   * similar to an {@link RDFProcessor}, a {@code Transformer} operates on a statement at a time,
52   * whereas an {@code RDFProcessor} transforms streams of statements, i.e., it can perform
53   * transformations that depends on combinations or sets of statements rather than on a single
54   * input statement.
55   * </p>
56   * <p>
57   * Implementations of this interface should be thread-safe, i.e., they should support multiple
58   * threads calling concurrently method {@code transform()}; this can be however achieved by means
59   * of synchronization.
60   * </p>
61   * <p>
62   * A number of constants and static factory methods provide access to basic {@code Transformer}
63   * implementations:
64   * </p>
65   * <ul>
66   * <li>{@link #NIL} is the null transformer, mapping every statement to an empty statement list;</li>
67   * <li>{@link #IDENTITY} is the identity transformer, mapping every statement to itself;</li>
68   * <li>{@link #filter(Predicate)} and {@link #filter(String, Predicate)} create transformers that
69   * apply a given {@code Predicate} to check the input statements or its components, emitting the
70   * statement only if the check is successful;</li>
71   * <li>{@link #map(Function)} and {@link #map(String, Function)} create transformers that apply a
72   * given {@code Function} to transform the input statement or its components, emitting the result
73   * to the supplied {@code RDFHandler};</li>
74   * <li>{@link #set(String, Value...)} create transformers that replace selected components of the
75   * input statement;</li>
76   * <li>{@link #sequence(Transformer...)} chains multiple transformers so that the output of one is
77   * used as the input of the next;</li>
78   * <li>{@link #parallel(Transformer...)} calls multiple transformers in parallel, emitting the
79   * concatenation of their results;</li>
80   * <li>{@link #rules(String)} return a transformer that applies the filtering rules encoded in a
81   * supplied string.</li>
82   * </ul>
83   */
84  @FunctionalInterface
85  public interface Transformer {
87      /** The null {@code Transformer}, that maps each statement to an empty list of statements. */
88      static Transformer NIL = new Transformer() {
90          @Override
91          public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler) {
92          }
94      };
96      /** The identity {@code Transformer}, that maps every input statement to itself. */
97      static Transformer IDENTITY = new Transformer() {
99          @Override
100         public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
101                 throws RDFHandlerException {
102             handler.handleStatement(statement);
103         }
105     };
107     /**
108      * Returns a {@code Transformer} that emits only statements matching the supplied
109      * {@code Predicate}.
110      *
111      * @param predicate
112      *            the predicate, not null
113      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
114      */
115     static Transformer filter(final Predicate<? super Statement> predicate) {
116         Objects.requireNonNull(predicate);
117         return new Transformer() {
119             @Override
120             public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
121                     throws RDFHandlerException {
122                 if (predicate.test(statement)) {
123                     handler.handleStatement(statement);
124                 }
125             }
127         };
128     }
130     /**
131      * Returns a {@code Transformer} that emits only statements whose selected component matches
132      * the specified {@code Predicate}. The predicate is evaluated on each {@code s}, {@code p},
133      * {@code o} , {@code c} component given by the {@code components} string. If any of these
134      * tests fails, the input statement is dropped, otherwise it is emitted to the
135      * {@code RDFHandler}.
136      *
137      * @param components
138      *            a string of symbols {@code s} , {@code p}, {@code o}, {@code c} specifying which
139      *            components to test, not null
140      * @param predicate
141      *            the predicate to apply to selected components, not null
142      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
143      */
144     static Transformer filter(final String components, final Predicate<? super Value> predicate) {
146         Objects.requireNonNull(predicate);
148         final String comp = components.trim().toLowerCase();
149         final boolean[] flags = new boolean[4];
150         for (int i = 0; i < comp.length(); ++i) {
151             final char c = comp.charAt(i);
152             final int index = c == 's' ? 0 : c == 'p' ? 1 : c == 'o' ? 2
153                     : c == 'c' || c == 'g' ? 3 : -1;
154             if (index < 0 || flags[index]) {
155                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid components '" + components + "'");
156             }
157             flags[index] = true;
158         }
160         if (!flags[0] && !flags[1] && !flags[2] && !flags[3]) {
161             return IDENTITY;
162         }
164         return new Transformer() {
166             private final boolean skipSubj = !flags[0];
168             private final boolean skipPred = !flags[1];
170             private final boolean skipObj = !flags[2];
172             private final boolean skipCtx = !flags[3];
174             @Override
175             public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
176                     throws RDFHandlerException {
177                 if ((skipSubj || predicate.test(statement.getSubject()))
178                         && (skipPred || predicate.test(statement.getPredicate()))
179                         && (skipObj || predicate.test(statement.getObject()))
180                         && (skipCtx || predicate.test(statement.getContext()))) {
181                     handler.handleStatement(statement);
182                 }
183             }
185         };
186     }
188     /**
189      * Returns a {@code Transformer} that applies the supplied function to each input statement,
190      * emitting its output if not null.
191      *
192      * @param function
193      *            the function to apply, not null
194      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
195      */
196     static Transformer map(final Function<? super Statement, ? extends Statement> function) {
198         Objects.requireNonNull(function);
200         return new Transformer() {
202             @Override
203             public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
204                     throws RDFHandlerException {
205                 final Statement transformed = function.apply(statement);
206                 if (transformed != null) {
207                     handler.handleStatement(transformed);
208                 }
209             }
211         };
212     }
214     /**
215      * Returns a {@code Transformer} that replaces selected components of the input statement
216      * using the supplied function. The function is applied to each {@code s}, {@code p},
217      * {@code o} , {@code c} component given by the {@code components} string. The resulting
218      * component values, if not null and compatible with expected component types, are used to
219      * assemble an output statement that is emitted to the supplied {@code RDFHandler}.
220      *
221      * @param components
222      *            a string of symbols {@code s} , {@code p}, {@code o}, {@code c} specifying the
223      *            components to replace, not null
224      * @param function
225      *            the function to apply to selected components, not null
226      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
227      */
228     static Transformer map(final String components,
229             final Function<? super Value, ? extends Value> function) {
231         Objects.requireNonNull(function);
233         final String comp = components.trim().toLowerCase();
234         final boolean[] flags = new boolean[4];
235         for (int i = 0; i < comp.length(); ++i) {
236             final char c = comp.charAt(i);
237             final int index = c == 's' ? 0 : c == 'p' ? 1 : c == 'o' ? 2
238                     : c == 'c' || c == 'g' ? 3 : -1;
239             if (index < 0 || flags[index]) {
240                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid components '" + components + "'");
241             }
242             flags[index] = true;
243         }
245         if (!flags[0] && !flags[1] && !flags[2] && !flags[3]) {
246             return IDENTITY;
247         }
249         return new Transformer() {
251             private final boolean mapSubj = flags[0];
253             private final boolean mapPred = flags[1];
255             private final boolean mapObj = flags[2];
257             private final boolean mapCtx = flags[3];
259             @Override
260             public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
261                     throws RDFHandlerException {
263                 Resource subj = statement.getSubject();
264                 URI pred = statement.getPredicate();
265                 Value obj = statement.getObject();
266                 Resource ctx = statement.getContext();
268                 boolean modified = false;
270                 if (this.mapSubj) {
271                     final Value v = function.apply(subj);
272                     if (!(v instanceof Resource)) {
273                         return;
274                     }
275                     modified |= v != subj;
276                     subj = (Resource) v;
277                 }
279                 if (this.mapPred) {
280                     final Value v = function.apply(pred);
281                     if (!(v instanceof URI)) {
282                         return;
283                     }
284                     modified |= v != pred;
285                     pred = (URI) v;
286                 }
288                 if (this.mapObj) {
289                     final Value v = function.apply(obj);
290                     if (v == null) {
291                         return;
292                     }
293                     modified |= v != obj;
294                     obj = v;
295                 }
297                 if (this.mapCtx) {
298                     final Value v = function.apply(ctx);
299                     if (!(v instanceof Resource)) {
300                         return;
301                     }
302                     modified |= v != ctx;
303                     ctx = (Resource) v;
304                 }
306                 if (!modified) {
307                     handler.handleStatement(statement);
308                 } else if (ctx == null) {
309                     handler.handleStatement(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createStatement(subj, pred,
310                             obj));
311                 } else {
312                     handler.handleStatement(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createStatement(subj, pred,
313                             obj, ctx));
314                 }
315             }
317         };
318     }
320     /**
321      * Returns a {@code Transformer} that replaces selected components of the input statement with
322      * the replacement values supplied. Parameter {@code components} is a sequence of {@code s},
323      * {@code p}, {@code o}, {@code c} symbols that specify the components to replace. The i-th
324      * symbol corresponds to a replacement i-th value in the array {@code values} (if the array is
325      * shorter, its last element is used). An output statement is assembled by mixing unmodified
326      * components with replaced ones. If a valid statement is obtained, it is emitted to the
327      * supplied {@code RDFHandler}.
328      *
329      * @param components
330      *            a string of symbols {@code s} , {@code p}, {@code o}, {@code c} specifying the
331      *            components to replace, not null
332      * @param values
333      *            the replacement values, with i-th value corresponding to the i-th symbol (if
334      *            fewer values are supplied, the last value is used for unmatched component
335      *            symbols).
336      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
337      */
338     static Transformer set(final String components, final Value... values) {
340         final boolean[] flags = new boolean[4];
341         final Value[] vals = new Value[4];
343         final String comp = components.trim().toLowerCase();
344         for (int i = 0; i < comp.length(); ++i) {
345             final char c = comp.charAt(i);
346             final int index = c == 's' ? 0 : c == 'p' ? 1 : c == 'o' ? 2
347                     : c == 'c' || c == 'g' ? 3 : -1;
348             if (index < 0 || flags[index]) {
349                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid components '" + components + "'");
350             }
351             flags[index] = true;
352             vals[index] = values[Math.min(values.length - 1, i)];
353         }
355         if (!flags[0] && !flags[1] && !flags[2] && !flags[3]) {
356             return IDENTITY;
358         } else if (vals[0] != null && !(vals[0] instanceof Resource) || vals[1] != null
359                 && !(vals[1] instanceof URI) || vals[3] != null && !(vals[3] instanceof Resource)) {
360             return NIL;
362         } else {
363             return new Transformer() {
365                 private final boolean subjFlag = flags[0];
367                 private final boolean predFlag = flags[1];
369                 private final boolean objFlag = flags[2];
371                 private final boolean ctxFlag = flags[3];
373                 private final Resource subjVal = (Resource) vals[0];
375                 private final URI predVal = (URI) vals[1];
377                 private final Value objVal = vals[2];
379                 private final Resource ctxVal = (Resource) vals[3];
381                 @Override
382                 public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
383                         throws RDFHandlerException {
385                     final Resource subj = this.subjFlag ? this.subjVal : statement.getSubject();
386                     final URI pred = this.predFlag ? this.predVal : statement.getPredicate();
387                     final Value obj = this.objFlag ? this.objVal : statement.getObject();
388                     final Resource ctx = this.ctxFlag ? this.ctxVal : statement.getContext();
390                     final ValueFactory vf = Statements.VALUE_FACTORY;
391                     if (ctx == null) {
392                         handler.handleStatement(vf.createStatement(subj, pred, obj));
393                     } else {
394                         handler.handleStatement(vf.createStatement(subj, pred, obj, ctx));
395                     }
396                 }
398             };
399         }
400     }
402     /**
403      * Returns a {@code Transformer} chaining the specified {@code Transformer}s. The first
404      * supplied transformer is applied first, its output piped to the next transformer and so on,
405      * with the final result sent to the supplied {@code RDFHandler}. If no transformer is
406      * supplied, {@link #NIL} is returned.
407      *
408      * @param transformers
409      *            the transformers to chain
410      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
411      */
412     static Transformer sequence(final Transformer... transformers) {
413         if (Arrays.asList(transformers).contains(null)) {
414             throw new NullPointerException();
415         }
416         if (transformers.length == 0) {
417             return NIL;
418         } else if (transformers.length == 1) {
419             return transformers[0];
420         } else if (transformers.length == 2) {
421             final Transformer first = transformers[0];
422             final Transformer second = transformers[1];
423             return new Transformer() {
425                 @Override
426                 public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
427                         throws RDFHandlerException {
428                     final List<Statement> buffer = new ArrayList<>();
429                     final RDFHandler collector = RDFHandlers.wrap(buffer);
430                     first.transform(statement, collector);
431                     for (final Statement intermediateStatement : buffer) {
432                         second.transform(intermediateStatement, handler);
433                     }
434                 }
436             };
437         } else {
438             final Transformer[] newTransformers = new Transformer[transformers.length - 1];
439             System.arraycopy(transformers, 2, newTransformers, 1, transformers.length - 2);
440             newTransformers[0] = sequence(transformers[0], transformers[1]);
441             return sequence(newTransformers); // recursion
442         }
443     }
445     /**
446      * Returns a {@code Transfomer} that applies each supplied transformer in parallel, emitting
447      * the concatenation of their results to the supplied {@code RDFHandler}.
448      *
449      * @param transformers
450      *            the transformers to compose in parallel
451      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
452      */
453     static Transformer parallel(final Transformer... transformers) {
454         if (Arrays.asList(transformers).contains(null)) {
455             throw new NullPointerException();
456         }
457         if (transformers.length == 0) {
458             return NIL;
459         } else if (transformers.length == 1) {
460             return transformers[0];
461         } else {
462             return new Transformer() {
464                 @Override
465                 public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
466                         throws RDFHandlerException {
467                     for (final Transformer transformer : transformers) {
468                         transformer.transform(statement, handler);
469                     }
470                 }
472             };
473         }
474     }
476     /**
477      * Returns a {@code Transformer} applying the filtering and assignent rules encoded by the
478      * supplied string. Given {@code X} a quad component (values: {@code s}, {@code p}, {@code o},
479      * {@code c}), the string contains three types of rules:
480      * <ul>
481      * <li>{@code +X value list} - quad is dropped if {@code X} does not belong to {@code list};</li>
482      * <li>{@code -X value list} - quad is dropped if {@code X} belongs to {@code list};</li>
483      * <li>{@code =X value} - quad component {@code X} is replaced with {@code value} (evaluated
484      * after filters).</li>
485      * </ul>
486      * Values must be encoded in Turtle. The following wildcard values are supported:
487      * <ul>
488      * <li>{@code <*>} - any URI;</li>
489      * <li>{@code _:*} - any BNode;</li>
490      * <li>{@code *} - any literal;</li>
491      * <li>{@code *@*} - any literal with a language;</li>
492      * <li>{@code *@xyz} - any literal with language {@code xyz};</li>
493      * <li>{@code *^^*} - any typed literal;</li>
494      * <li>{@code *^^<uri>} - any literal with datatype {@code <uri>};</li>
495      * <li>{@code *^^ns:uri} - any literal with datatype {@code ns:uri};</li>
496      * <li>{@code *^^ns:*} - any typed literal with datatype prefixed with {@code ns:};</li>
497      * <li>{@code ns:*} - any URI prefixed with {@code ns:};</li>
498      * <li>{@code <ns*>} - any URI with namespace URI {@code ns}.</li>
499      * </ul>
500      *
501      * @param rules
502      *            the filtering rules, not null
503      * @return the created {@code Transformer}
504      */
505     static Transformer rules(final String rules) {
506         return new RuleTransformer(rules);
507     }
509     /**
510      * Parses a {@code Transformer} out of the supplied expression string. The expression can be a
511      * {@code language: expression} script or a rules expression supported by
512      * {@link #rules(String)}.
513      *
514      * @param expression
515      *            the expression to parse
516      * @return the parsed transformer, or null if a null expression was given
517      */
518     @Nullable
519     static Transformer parse(@Nullable final String expression) {
520         if (expression == null) {
521             return null;
522         } else if (Scripting.isScript(expression)) {
523             return Scripting.compile(Transformer.class, expression, "q");
524         } else {
525             return rules(expression);
526         }
527     }
529     /**
530      * Applies the {@code Transformer} to the specified statement, emitting its output (possibly
531      * empty) to the supplied {@code RDFHandler}. Statement emission should be performed calling
532      * method {@link RDFHandler#handleStatement(Statement)}; other {@code RDFHandler} methods
533      * should not be called. This method is meant to be called concurrently by multiple thread, so
534      * a thread-safe implementation is required.
535      *
536      * @param statement
537      *            the input statement, not null
538      * @param handler
539      *            the {@code RDFHandler} where to emit output statements
540      * @throws RDFHandlerException
541      *             in case of error
542      */
543     void transform(Statement statement, RDFHandler handler) throws RDFHandlerException;
545 }
547 final class RuleTransformer implements Transformer {
549     @Nullable
550     private final ValueTransformer subjectTransformer;
552     @Nullable
553     private final ValueTransformer predicateTransformer;
555     @Nullable
556     private final ValueTransformer objectTransformer;
558     @Nullable
559     private final ValueTransformer contextTransformer;
561     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
562     public RuleTransformer(final String spec) {
564         // Initialize the arrays used to create the ValueTransformers
565         final List<?>[] expressions = new List<?>[4];
566         final Value[] replacements = new Value[4];
567         final Boolean[] includes = new Boolean[4];
568         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
569             expressions[i] = new ArrayList<String>();
570         }
572         // Parse the specification string
573         char action = 0;
574         final List<Integer> components = new ArrayList<Integer>();
575         for (final String token : spec.split("\\s+")) {
576             final char ch0 = token.charAt(0);
577             if (ch0 == '+' || ch0 == '-' || ch0 == '=') {
578                 action = ch0;
579                 if (token.length() == 1) {
580                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("No component(s) specified in '" + spec
581                             + "'");
582                 }
583                 components.clear();
584                 for (int i = 1; i < token.length(); ++i) {
585                     final char ch1 = Character.toLowerCase(token.charAt(i));
586                     final int component = ch1 == 's' ? 0 : ch1 == 'p' ? 1 : ch1 == 'o' ? 2
587                             : ch1 == 'c' ? 3 : -1;
588                     if (component < 0) {
589                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid component '" + ch1 + "' in '"
590                                 + spec + "'");
591                     }
592                     components.add(component);
593                 }
594             } else if (action == 0) {
595                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing selector in '" + spec + "'");
596             } else if (action == '=') {
597                 for (final int component : components) {
598                     replacements[component] = Statements.parseValue(token, Namespaces.DEFAULT);
599                 }
600             } else {
601                 for (final int component : components) {
602                     ((List<String>) expressions[component]).add(token);
603                     final Boolean include = action == '+' ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
604                     if (includes[component] != null
605                             && !Objects.equals(includes[component], include)) {
606                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
607                                 "Include (+) and exclude (-) rules both "
608                                         + "specified for same component in '" + spec + "'");
609                     }
610                     includes[component] = include;
611                 }
612             }
613         }
615         // Create ValueTransformers
616         final ValueTransformer[] transformers = new ValueTransformer[4];
617         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
618             transformers[i] = expressions[i].isEmpty() && replacements[i] == null ? null
619                     : new ValueTransformer((List<String>) expressions[i], replacements[i],
620                             Boolean.TRUE.equals(includes[i]));
621         }
622         this.subjectTransformer = transformers[0];
623         this.predicateTransformer = transformers[1];
624         this.objectTransformer = transformers[2];
625         this.contextTransformer = transformers[3];
626     }
628     @Override
629     public void transform(final Statement statement, final RDFHandler handler)
630             throws RDFHandlerException {
632         // Transform the subject; abort if result is null
633         final Resource oldSubj = statement.getSubject();
634         Resource newSubj = oldSubj;
635         if (this.subjectTransformer != null) {
636             newSubj = (Resource) this.subjectTransformer.transform(oldSubj);
637             if (newSubj == null) {
638                 return;
639             }
640         }
642         // Transform the predicate; abort if result is null
643         final URI oldPred = statement.getPredicate();
644         URI newPred = oldPred;
645         if (this.predicateTransformer != null) {
646             newPred = (URI) this.predicateTransformer.transform(oldPred);
647             if (newPred == null) {
648                 return;
649             }
650         }
652         // Transform the object; abort if result is null
653         final Value oldObj = statement.getObject();
654         Value newObj = oldObj;
655         if (this.objectTransformer != null) {
656             newObj = this.objectTransformer.transform(oldObj);
657             if (newObj == null) {
658                 return;
659             }
660         }
662         // Transform the context; if null use SESAME.NIL; abort if result is null
663         Resource oldCtx = statement.getContext();
664         oldCtx = oldCtx != null ? oldCtx : SESAME.NIL;
665         Resource newCtx = oldCtx;
666         if (this.contextTransformer != null) {
667             newCtx = (Resource) this.contextTransformer.transform(oldCtx);
668             if (newCtx == null) {
669                 return;
670             }
671         }
673         // Return the possibly modified statement
674         if (newSubj == oldSubj && newPred == oldPred && newObj == oldObj && newCtx == oldCtx) {
675             handler.handleStatement(statement); // unchanged;
676         } else if (newCtx.equals(SESAME.NIL)) {
677             handler.handleStatement(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createStatement(newSubj, newPred,
678                     newObj));
679         } else {
680             handler.handleStatement(Statements.VALUE_FACTORY.createStatement(newSubj, newPred,
681                     newObj, newCtx));
682         }
683     }
685     private static class ValueTransformer {
687         @Nullable
688         private final Value replacement;
690         private final boolean include;
692         // for URIs
694         private final boolean matchAnyURI;
696         private final Set<String> matchedURINamespaces;
698         private final Set<URI> matchedURIs;
700         // for BNodes
702         private final boolean matchAnyBNode;
704         private final Set<BNode> matchedBNodes;
706         // for Literals
708         private final boolean matchAnyPlainLiteral;
710         private final boolean matchAnyLangLiteral;
712         private final boolean matchAnyTypedLiteral;
714         private final Set<String> matchedLanguages;
716         private final Set<URI> matchedDatatypeURIs;
718         private final Set<String> matchedDatatypeNamespaces;
720         private final Set<Literal> matchedLiterals;
722         ValueTransformer(final Iterable<String> matchExpressions,
723                 @Nullable final Value replacement, final boolean include) {
725             this.replacement = replacement;
726             this.include = include;
728             this.matchedURINamespaces = new HashSet<>();
729             this.matchedURIs = new HashSet<>();
730             this.matchedBNodes = new HashSet<>();
731             this.matchedLanguages = new HashSet<>();
732             this.matchedDatatypeURIs = new HashSet<>();
733             this.matchedDatatypeNamespaces = new HashSet<>();
734             this.matchedLiterals = new HashSet<>();
736             boolean matchAnyURI = false;
737             boolean matchAnyBNode = false;
738             boolean matchAnyPlainLiteral = false;
739             boolean matchAnyLangLiteral = false;
740             boolean matchAnyTypedLiteral = false;
742             for (final String expression : matchExpressions) {
743                 if ("<*>".equals(expression)) {
744                     matchAnyURI = true;
745                 } else if ("_:*".equals(expression)) {
746                     matchAnyBNode = true;
747                 } else if ("*".equals(expression)) {
748                     matchAnyPlainLiteral = true;
749                 } else if ("*@*".equals(expression)) {
750                     matchAnyLangLiteral = true;
751                 } else if ("*^^*".equals(expression)) {
752                     matchAnyTypedLiteral = true;
753                 } else if (expression.startsWith("*@")) {
754                     this.matchedLanguages.add(expression.substring(2));
755                 } else if (expression.startsWith("*^^")) {
756                     if (expression.endsWith(":*")) {
757                         this.matchedDatatypeNamespaces.add(Namespaces.DEFAULT.uriFor(expression
758                                 .substring(3, expression.length() - 2)));
759                     } else {
760                         this.matchedDatatypeURIs.add((URI) Statements.parseValue(
761                                 expression.substring(3), Namespaces.DEFAULT));
762                     }
763                 } else if (expression.endsWith(":*")) {
764                     this.matchedURINamespaces.add(Namespaces.DEFAULT.uriFor(expression.substring(
765                             0, expression.length() - 2)));
767                 } else if (expression.endsWith("*>")) {
768                     this.matchedURINamespaces
769                     .add(expression.substring(1, expression.length() - 2));
770                 } else {
771                     final Value value = Statements.parseValue(expression, Namespaces.DEFAULT);
772                     if (value instanceof URI) {
773                         this.matchedURIs.add((URI) value);
774                     } else if (value instanceof BNode) {
775                         this.matchedBNodes.add((BNode) value);
776                     } else if (value instanceof Literal) {
777                         this.matchedLiterals.add((Literal) value);
778                     }
780                 }
781             }
783             this.matchAnyURI = matchAnyURI;
784             this.matchAnyBNode = matchAnyBNode;
785             this.matchAnyPlainLiteral = matchAnyPlainLiteral;
786             this.matchAnyLangLiteral = matchAnyLangLiteral;
787             this.matchAnyTypedLiteral = matchAnyTypedLiteral;
788         }
790         @Nullable
791         Value transform(final Value value) {
792             final boolean matched = match(value);
793             return this.include && !matched || !this.include && matched ? null
794                     : this.replacement == null ? value : this.replacement;
795         }
797         private boolean match(final Value value) {
798             if (value instanceof URI) {
799                 return this.matchAnyURI //
800                         || contains(this.matchedURIs, value)
801                         || containsNs(this.matchedURINamespaces, (URI) value);
802             } else if (value instanceof Literal) {
803                 final Literal lit = (Literal) value;
804                 final String lang = lit.getLanguage();
805                 final URI dt = lit.getDatatype();
806                 return lang == null
807                         && (dt == null || XMLSchema.STRING.equals(dt))
808                         && this.matchAnyPlainLiteral //
809                         || lang != null //
810                         && (this.matchAnyLangLiteral || contains(this.matchedLanguages, lang)) //
811                         || dt != null //
812                         && (this.matchAnyTypedLiteral || contains(this.matchedDatatypeURIs, dt) || containsNs(
813                                 this.matchedDatatypeNamespaces, dt)) //
814                                 || contains(this.matchedLiterals, lit);
815             } else {
816                 return this.matchAnyBNode //
817                         || contains(this.matchedBNodes, value);
818             }
819         }
821         private static boolean contains(final Set<?> set, final Object value) {
822             return !set.isEmpty() && set.contains(value);
823         }
825         private static boolean containsNs(final Set<String> set, final URI uri) {
826             if (set.isEmpty()) {
827                 return false;
828             }
829             if (set.contains(uri.getNamespace())) {
830                 return true; // exact lookup
831             }
832             final String uriString = uri.stringValue();
833             for (final String elem : set) {
834                 if (uriString.startsWith(elem)) {
835                     return true; // prefix match
836                 }
837             }
838             return false;
839         }
841     }
843 }